Beautiful Alternatives for Sliding Glass Patio Doors!



    Are you tired of Vertical Blinds? Clicking, Clacking, Banging and breaking! Who isn't?  More and more in many homes people are switching to other window coverings that are in a horizontal format.  By being in a horizontal format you don't have the ugly veins hanging down and the clutter of multiple veins! Plus it is a dated look. The world has moved on from most types of verticals.   

   IMG_0978  Alustra Woven Textures Roller Shades with Cassette

    New products such as roller shades, roman shades, and soft sheer shadings are taking their place.  They offer a minimalist look with simple form.  These types of shades also roll entirely into their own head-rails so that you only have a 3" head-rail that is wrapped in fabric.  This leaves your entire door free and clear for the best view.  It also leaves no product hanging down for kids and pets to soil and break.  Don't want just one shade, most of these new products allow us to hang (2) shades from one clean head-rail. This will allow you to open the side that you want to go out but leave a beautiful shade down on the fixed side. 

    Are you tired of having to worry about matching your regular kitchen windows to your ugly sliding glass door.  Don't be!  This concept allows you to use the same product on your slider as your windows. Complete coordination is a beautiful thing. Worried about clean ability?  Well when it is dinner time or bar-b-cue day raise the shade up and have no worries.  If you don't care to raise the shade don't worry the shades are most made from polyesters that are engineered for durability. Want to learn more about these products please don't hesitate to contact us or have us come out for a free in-home visit!

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