As you can see by my ratings, I was thrilled to work with OSD. At every step of the way, from my first visit when I met with Stephanie (who, I must point out, patiently continued to answer my questions after the store — unbeknownst to me — had closed for the day), to Bob's patience with me as I changed directions on the project, to Michael's efficient installation of my eleven blinds, OSD didn't just meet my expectations but instead exceeded them. I prefer to work with locally-owned, proprietor-managed stores like OSD for exactly the sort of experiences I had with everyone associated with OSD. While I spent, quite literally, almost three times more than I had hoped to spend on my project, the confidence I gained about the products I purchased as a result of the service I received have caused me not to experience even a second of buyer's remorse. Instead, I am looking forward to purchasing six more blinds from Bob to complete my second floor as soon as I find space in my budget. I want to thank OSD for how I was treated, and to congratulate all who are associated with the store for providing with exactly the sort of service I needed, and by providing that service in every one of my interactions with the company. While I greatly appreciated the level of service I received, I also want to offer a sincere thank you to OSD for both helping me to find an appropriate solution to a couple of design issues that had perplexed me for years. Please keep up the good work. Tim W. (Kansas City, MO)