Decorating with Summertime Colors

Decorating with Summertime ColorsWhile selecting the ideal window covering for your home, it is important to consider the time of year. The spring and summer months represent bright and bold colors this year; this can easily be reflected in and around your room. Whether you combine color combinations through layering of your window coverings or by adding an accent pillow, here are a few color concept ideas to incorporate into your home this summer.

  • Yellow, Coral, Lime, & Navy – These hues are commonly used as highlighting accent colors within rooms. They are commonly paired with soft neutrals (such as grey or white) to create a pop of color.
  • Light Blue & Light Pink – These hues are cool and calming. They’re most often used in bedrooms and living rooms to enhance relaxation.
  • White – White allows for a room to transform into a light, crisp, and clean space. It can be used with other colors or by itself.

Throughout your search for the perfect window treatments, you may need a professional hand – One Stop Decorating can help find the perfect window covering for you. One Stop Decorating specializes in blinds, shades, shutters, draperies, and decor for your home. We are the largest independent, full line decorating resource in the Kansas City area. With over 30 years of experience, we are confident in assisting you with any and all of your home decorating needs.

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