Small Business Saturday – Shop Local to Support Your Community!

Small Business Saturday

Your Neighbors, Your Community.

Small business is the heartbeat of America. The business owners in your Kansas City community are your neighbors, your family, your friends. We want our community to thrive and prosper as much as you do! Come out and shop local for Small Business Saturday, on November 29th, to invest in your community!

We Treat You How We Want to be Treated.

One-Stop-Decorating-Small-Business-Saturday-Tribute1As consumers themselves, small business owners pride themselves on offering a customized, caring experience. We strive to give you, our clients, an alternative to experience the great service and products you deserve. We want to exceed your expectations. Many small business owners get started because they want to provide a dynamic experience to their customers – one they feel is missing. You can be sure that on Small Business Saturday, you will get a taste of that level of service. Small business owners work hard to earn your trust and your business. Here at One Stop Decorating, we believe that nothing is more important than making you, your home and your projects our top priorities.

Shop Local This Saturday, November 29th.

Small Business Saturday – we love the idea that our community can come together to invest in the business owners who turn that investment around – right back into our Kansas City community! Like One Stop Decorating, these folks are here today to serve you, and they will be here tomorrow. High levels of service, along with high levels of quality products. A breath of fresh air after shopping at big box stores that try to get you in and out the door as fast as possible, whether you are satisfied, or not. We would love to see you! Stop by one of our showrooms to say hello and discuss your upcoming projects with us! And as always, contact us anytime for a free, in-home consultation.

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